• the tatted postage experiment begins … šŸ§¶šŸ–¼ļø

    Aqua-colored postcard with a stamp and a cream tatted lace edging around it (front)Aqua-colored postcard with a cream tatted lace edging around it (back)

  • šŸŽµ Listening: Air for Violin and Piano by Aaron Jay Kernis.

    Really happy to rediscover this today. For me, itā€™s in a sweet spot of twentieth-century Classical music where every beautiful chord feels hard-won. But really, what a wistful and beautiful piece!

  • A pile of tatting. šŸ§¶

  • Wow!! This wood carving! www.julienfeller.com

  • One of todayā€™s best finds at the Met: a box made mostly from thin translucent panels of amber. (!!!) Just incredible. (Didnā€™t get any more details about where/when it was made, unfortunately, but somewhere in Northern Europe, at least a hundred years ago)

    Small ornate chest in a museum, with lid propped open, made of panels of amber with light coming through

  • Tatting update šŸ§¶ (following this fantastic pattern by Robin Perfetti)

    half-finished tatted white snowflake on a desk, with the shuttles still attachedā€></p>

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    A few years in, this album still holds up! Such fun, joyous tracks šŸ˜Œ


  • Iā€™m quite pleased with how this plastic heat-bending job turned out! (The pieces arenā€™t finished yet, but this was the major roadblock step) šŸŽØ

    hand holding a yellow plastic rod bent into a square, against the backdrop of a cluttered studio

  • While Iā€™m thinking about less-famous paintings, hereā€™s my favorite John Singer Sargent painting (and also one of my favorite landscapes ever) šŸŽØ

    Simplon Pass, 1911, at the US National Gallery of Art

  • Iā€™ve already thought that Edvard Munch gets short shrift when people only know him for The Scream, but yesterday I was introduced to yet another (really beautiful) facet of his work šŸŽØ

    h/t Robin Sloanā€™s fabulous newsletter

  • A pretty remarkable article:


  • Commute

    Landscape photo with church steeple and smokestack standing out against the horizon, viewed across the top of a buildingPhoto of buildings against the sky, with a swirl of clouds in the corner

  • Petals fallen onto the plants below them feels like a natural version of abstraction … at least to this abstract painter!

  • golden moment in downtown Brooklyn

  • Whew, doing this with thick wire is another level! šŸŽØšŸŽØ

  • Just a lovely little composition I walked by:

  • … and, šŸŽØ Day 30!! Interactive toy-like projects lead us back to my latest book, which is also a playable marble maze. Hereā€™s a (rough-cut!) video:

  • šŸŽØ Day 29
    Light Toys, 2019 Here I was trying to make objects which could be played withā€”but which didnā€™t read so explicitly as childlike.

  • šŸŽØ Day 28
    I followed up the last installation by making a set of extra-fancy building blocks … but I wanted to leave the funnest partā€”putting them togetherā€”entirely up to viewers and not to me. Here are some of the setups my classmates made:

  • šŸŽØ Day 27
    Pipe Game. An installation for one of my first grad classes in 2019.

  • šŸŽØ Day 26
    Another break from books. Hereā€™s Refraction, 2020. Acrylic and mixed media on panel. Done for a local 24-hr art contest.

  • šŸŽØ Day 25
    I posted these here a while ago, but Iā€™ll include them again in this context!

    Journals made from the scrap papers, prints, and project remains Iā€™ve accumulated over the yearsā€”though, as usually happens, most of them also needed some brand-new stuff to conplete them.

  • šŸŽØ Day 24ā€“a quick break from books, since the last couple are more complicated to post.

    Paper Space IV, 2021 Mixed media

  • šŸŽØ Day 23
    Electronic puzzle book project, which … was too overwhelming to finish šŸ™ƒ

    Sensors & lights are hidden in the pages, so the book develops as you solve puzzlesā€”hopefully kind of like magic!

    Hereā€™s the back šŸ˜¬ but pretty sure Iā€™ll return to the idea sometime!

  • šŸŽØ Day 22
    Project for a ā€œstar bookā€ format class assignment. This oneā€™s a personal favoriteā€”and also cool to see how, though the playground theme seemed more isolated at the time, itā€™s coming back in more of my work now.

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